About Me

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I'm going to be blunt, though my words can be sharp. I'm not going to lie, or tell you my full truths. I'm not going to cry, but I sure as hell won't be ok.


Tell Me How To [ Live ] And To Learn How To Say Godbye

I will never fully understand what goes on in that mind of yours. Nor will you mine. For a long time I felt like no one actually knew what it felt like to go through something and come out a different person. A changed person. I never thought that anyone would be able to comprehend what it's like to feel mental pain. Then something happened. When you came along, not only did I realize that things can get better. But I realized that I'm not the only one who hurts in the world. You helped me through alot. You've helped me realize that I can't just shut people out the way I often do. That there are people that will catch me when I fall, and hold me when I cry. People who love me. When you hurt as much as I did, you loose sight of things like love and compassion. I'm not saying that I'm fully ready to let go of what happened. But I am ready to accept the fact that it happened. Life's going to move on. I'm writing this not only to show you where I stand, but also for anybody who has been through trauma in their lives. Whether you know  it or not, it gets better. Trust me, it doesn't seem it now. I've been in that position before. You think you can't get over it ever. That you're trapt. But you aren't. Darkness isn't permanent, just like the night. Eventually the warmth of the morning sun will hit your face. It's the most beautiful feeling you could ever think to experience. It's worth it. And if you can get through the storm, you can make it through anything. You come out stronger and wiser. The war stories you hold are some of the scariest out there. Be proud of yourself to know that, yes, you made it through the high water. Hold your head high, and remember you are a survivor. Remember that you are loved, and you are strong. And you are not alone.


  1. Anonymous7.11.10

    this actually jjust helped me a lot kayla. thannk you
