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I'm going to be blunt, though my words can be sharp. I'm not going to lie, or tell you my full truths. I'm not going to cry, but I sure as hell won't be ok.


Lock . You've Hidden The Key You Bastard.

People think that they can control one anothers lives. Whether this be friends, teachers, or parents. News flash... PEOPLE AREN'T HOUSEPETS! Ugh some people need to get it through their narrow minded, thick skulled, retarded brains that no one is meant to be under the control of another like that. That's called fucking tyrany... dictatorship... or even better, tourcher. Do you understand how bad that can fuck up someones MIND! Think about having someone tell you how you're suppossed to be yourself. Oh and step one toe out of line, and I'll verbally taze you and lock you in a cell. That just isn't living. That's not how life is supossed to play out at all. It makes me sick. Take this from someone who's had someone else try to control them. If you try to do that, that person will develop an extremely powerful hate for you. A kind of hate you can't even imagine. Stop making someone's life miserable.