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I'm going to be blunt, though my words can be sharp. I'm not going to lie, or tell you my full truths. I'm not going to cry, but I sure as hell won't be ok.


[ This ] Is Draining Me.

I know it's been a long time since I've made a post. Hell, it's been almost a month. I didn't think that I would need this blog so much for a release as I do. There's alot of stuff going on and, to tell you the truth, I'm drained. Physically and mentally drained. There are people I love who are out of reach. As if they were more or less ripped out of my arms. Things I've been dealing with don't seem to be going away. Like my past is lingering as a cloud above my head. Is it wrong that my tears have substituted the rain? I'm not saying I'm angry or vengeful. I'm just sad. There's so much in my head and right now it seems all my support is missing. I don't know where they are. All I can really hope for is that they come back. I'm really struggling to see the better side of me. Or at least what's left of it. I really hope I can get better.

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