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I'm going to be blunt, though my words can be sharp. I'm not going to lie, or tell you my full truths. I'm not going to cry, but I sure as hell won't be ok.


Bust Your Head, Bust My Heart.

My head  spins when I wake up. I've seen your face in my nightmares again. it's 2 am, and I'm unable to sleep. Terrified I'll feel your touch once more. my heart is racing, and I can't help but be paranoid that you're here. I can't count on anyone for protection from you. But my fears will go unnoticed in all your eyes. Everyday I remember the faces, the things I've seen. I suppress the screams when I'm in public. I hate drawing attention to myself; I hate peoples eyes looking at me. I want to get away. I can't break out. And it's all your fault. What person were you to do this to me?

"Blame the family. Blame the bully. Blame it on me. Maybe he needed to be wanted."

I don't want to go back home. I wish my feet would just stop moving, but the motions are involuntary. Running away isn't an option, because they'll find me before everyone else does. I know they're waiting for me to try something. Every day telling me that they totally get me and know who I am. But you don't. I'm more complex than you will ever know. I scream at you in a blind rage. It's past the point of me being able to control myself. I went over the edge and I finally realized, you will never really see me. You lie to yourself that you know. But you don't. I'm a scarred human being. And you do nothing but reopen my scars. I can't concentrate with the voices in my head. I'm gonna sink to the bottom, and you have no idea whats coming.

"Blame the family. Blame the bully. Blame it on me. Maybe she needed to be wanted."

In in all my memories I have, we were all a bunch of misfits who never fit in. He took us under his wing, but was he really ever there? I've thought long and hard about those 3 years, and I can't even make sense of the whole story. We were all abused, mistreated, wrongly accused. We all felt misunderstood. Then suddenly come angel came along and saved us. Eventually, like me, you'll all see that he's the devil's advocate. He brings nothing but pain. I still dream about the twisted nights we all spent together. We were all scared, weren't we? I physically got away, but mentally, you're still in my head. I will always love you all, but I will always hate you with all I am. I'm going to fight you all until the end, the way we used to fight everyone else. Hand in hand now hand to throat. I'm going to rise above you and watch you all sink. And I'll cry knowing I was once one of you.
"Blame the family. Blame the bully. Blame it on me. Maybe they needed to be wanted."

I have my voice, I'm learning to use it. I'm feeling how a heart beats for the first time in years and years. I can breathe again as sweet air fills up my lungs. And for once in my life, I feel what it's like to be loved... and you, my friends, will never feel that joy while you stay on his side.
"Maybe they needed to be wanted..."

Three Days Grace - Bully